Although I usually work in the Buying department at Moda in Pelle, for the past two weeks I have been helping out in PR and Marketing. With a huge focus being put on the marketing, especially online and social media, they needed an extra pair of hands until something more permanent has been arranged. And seeing as my course is Fashion Marketing, I was picked to help out. At first I was a bit gutted that I'd be leaving my team behind for a few weeks... but the girl in Marketing is great, and I've found myself quite enjoying it!! I have been updating the Facebook and Twitter pages, and preparing graphics which are uploaded onto the website. On Friday I created an email graphic that was sent out to the entire database (eek!). I've posted it below... and I have to say I'm quite pleased with how it looks!! I'll be in marketing for one more week, before heading back into Buying. I think it's been a really useful experience and an eye-opener into another aspect of retail!

Nice work Lucy!